Slimpod – Phase 2: update 1
Sandra was right about there being a dip in motivation this week. I’m coming down with a cold and I am exhausted! I did one LWR workout and really enjoyed it, but I’ve been so tired and just unwell and flat. But I know that perfection isn’t a requirement here, so I had a gentle week. I listened to my pods, I did my wins and intentions on most days, but not all. But I learned a lot in the last few days – having a daily intention is remarkably powerful! Just by having an intention for the day, I could feel that it was easier for me to maintain my mood. Since I’m inclined to try to do everything at once, this one step to make an intention for the day was very helpful. I felt less overwhelmed by all the things on my mind and a bit more relaxed and focused in general.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on